Patient Stories
Meet Lynn, who explains her decision to participate, as well as her overall experience of being part of a clinical trial for treatment of complications related to a retinal condition called retinal vein occlusion (RVO)
Meet Marcos, who explains his experience with anti-VEGF injections for DR
Barriers to eye care
- Knowledge: Not all patients with diabetes are not aware of the importance of annual eye dilated examinations.1 Dilated eye exams are important even if there are no symptoms.
- Cost of care: Ask your eye doctor or primary care doctor what programs are available to reduce your cost.
- Fear of treatment: Speak with your doctor before your appointment if fear is may prevent you from going to the appointment. Pain with eye injection is mild for the majority of people.2 There are medications to control pain when treatment with PRP laser is needed. 3
- Lu Y, Serpas L, Genter P, et al. Divergent perceptions of barriers to diabetic retinopathy screening among patients and care providers, Los Angeles, California, 2014-2015. Prev Chronic Dis. 2016; 13
- Shiroma, H.F., Takaschima, A.K.K., Farah, M.E. et al. Patient pain during intravitreal injections under topical anesthesia: a systematic review. Int J Retin Vitr. 2017;3 (23).
- Wu, WC., Hsu, KH., Chen, TL. et al. Interventions for relieving pain associated with panretinal photocoagulation: a prospective randomized trial. Eye. 2006; 20, 712–719.